
WA, Australia

Project Timeline:



Oil and Gas

rhi was engaged by the client to provide schedule benchmarking services for the development of their gas Floating Production Unit (FPU). The FPU is situated at a gas field off the coast of Western Australia. The Gas FPU included 30,000 MT Topside with dehydration and compression systems, and 30,000 MT Hull with the first gas from the field expected in 2023.

  • Provision of Fabrication Yard (China) Productivity Rates, by Discipline analysis, for the new-build sour gas FPU (Floating Production Unit) prior to FID.
  • Schedule Benchmarks, based on a EPCI model for both Topsides and Hull, comprising:
    • Detailed Design duration
    • Fabrication duration
    • Topsides Commissioning duration & Offshore HUC duration
Value-added by rhi
  • Schedule assurance for the client's PMT at the end of FEED
  • rhi summarised Lessons Learnt and Best Practices from similar projects for the consideration of the PMT

Key Contacts

Craig Taylor,
Global Managing Director