rhi was engaged by the client to deliver a decommissioning cost estimate as part of the client's re-development and PS-3 Life Extension Pre-FEED study. The decommissioning estimating scope was part of a feasibility study to relocate the MM new processing complex to a greenfield location away from the existing Production Station (PS), replace all the existing flowlines and facilitate smooth switchover from the old PS to the new PS at the greenfield location.
- Develop decommissioning estimates for PS-3 platforms, interconnecting bridges and pipeline infrastructure.
- Produce Basis of Estimate document and cost estimate report including associated benchmarking charts.
- Produce overall decommissioning schedule.
- Prepare Class 3 decommissioning cost estimates for alternative decommissioning strategies as part of Comparative Analysis studies.
- Provide Basis of Estimate document detailing assumptions underpinning the rhiDEMS cost estimates.
- Prepare and present suitable benchmarks for topside and jacket removal costs.
- Produce associated removal schedule.
Value-added by rhi
- Access to industry leading in-house decommissioning cost estimating and scenario modelling tool rhiDEMS.
- Access to rhi’s pool of experienced practitioners to prepare verifiable man-hour, cost and vessel estimates directly from established in-house tools.
- Ability to produce cost estimates for a variety of scenarios directly from the toolset without the need for time-consuming, detailed re-estimating.
- Access to wider rhi knowledge base of global metrics and regional market rates.
- Access to Wood’s team technical experts and expertise to guide, develop, quantify and assess the range of feasible alternative removal strategies together with their impact on cost & schedule.
- Access to Wood’s global market intelligence and regional capabilities.
- Ability to work with the clients team and respond to new challenges as they evolved based on a joint analysis of model outputs and identification of the key strategic levers.