For a project to stay on schedule and within budget, data gathering, management and analytical processes are required.

To support and enhance the services that rhi provides, our strong understanding of project controls can be applied to help predict, rationalise and constructively influence the time and cost outcomes of a project.

rhi aims to support the project throughout the asset life cycle: from outlining scope to a realistic expectation, monitoring the status of the scope and to closing out the project. rhi will provide a strong focus on analysing and evaluating all the elements involved and assessing how they will affect the project delivery.


  • Audit and review of project cost plans
  • Project cost control and reporting
  • Value engineering facilitation
  • Cost risk analysis
  • Data consolidation
  • Change control
  • System integration


rhiPEMS is a project orientated cost control and reporting system that includes performance measurement, status analysis and cost reporting at practical summary levels, and can be used as an aid to forecast future cost performance.

rhiPEMS provides a consolidated source of data, a consistent authority of project cost terminology and is seen as complementary to financial systems.  With its multiple currency reporting, rhiPEMS delivers the necessary detail and flexibility suitable for engineering and construction project managers. By comparing actual costs against budgets, forecasts and commitments; the ongoing performance of the project can be monitored.

By interfacing with ERP systems, rhiPEMS can gather all data necessary for monthly project reporting, providing cost engineers with a single, robust, secure database under their control. Due to client concerns about security of their data, rhiPEMS does not directly access client systems in order to gain information, where it collects preformatted file downloads and presents the data back in an integrated, hierarchical set of dashboard reports. A wide range of reporting requirements can be met by built in reports, and the customisable data views give many other sorting and selection options.

rhi offers full consultancy and support to assist with implementation on projects, which can be offered as part of a rhi managed service.


  • Cost tracking
  • Budget management
  • Cost forecasting
  • Project cost control
  • Cost reporter

Planning and Scheduling

When time is important, our solutions prioritise the information driving your projects.

Building on our extensive estimating capabilities, we transfer our detailed knowledge of the project workscope to create robust plans in the early stages of development. These plans are linked to man-hour and cost estimates to create resource constrained execution schedules and expenditure phasings.

Our linkage between cost/man-hour estimates, activity plans and schedules through our planning software enable us to build a clearer definition earlier in the project life cycle, reducing uncertainty, improving confidence in completion dates and supporting project management.


  • Improves scope definition and understanding
  • Supports earlier decision-making
  • Increases certainty
  • Informs decision
  • Improved resource management
  • Comprehensive schedule for overall scope

How can I remain in control of my costs and ensure that my budget responsible leads have visibility of their expenditure, changes and forecasts?

Our project execution management system, rhiPEMS, is a ‘plug and play’ package that integrates seamlessly with client financial, commitment and planning systems to provide a full suite of cost and manhour reports.

rhiPEMS allows hierarchical reporting of budgets, changes, actual expenditure and manhours, value of work done (VOWD) and the latest forecasts to be reported from a single dataset without the need for complex spreadsheets and duplication of effort, ensuring that time is spent analysing rather than processing data.

How do I manage change, costs and payments during construction?

rhi has vast experience in post contract administration and can utilise the schedule of rates, quantities and cost by using our rhiCOMS database. With this tool, we can manage change, cost and payments, amending throughout the duration of the project as the scope matures.

Unit rate contracting provides a mechanism for managing change in a project without having obtain new prices from the contractor at a time where they can charge premium costs due to project need.

The activities in rhiCOMS can form a base ‘rules of credit’, allowing a robust mechanism for providing a value of work done, progress measurement and interim payments up until final account.

How do I achieve cost and schedule certainty?

rhi has extensive experience in facilitating cost and schedule risk analysis (CSRA) workshops with project teams. We use our in-house tools challenging the scope, uncertainty and event risks, which enables our consultants to report back on likely schedules and outturn costs.

Project teams will have confidence that estimates and schedules are robust, reflect the most likely outturn and recommended contingency levels which reflect the prevalent uncertainties and risks.